Tuesday, June 28, 2016

After a good night's sleep if something Sehari

We usually focus more towards performance than his own health. If you eat well and exercise are attentive to weight gain.

But in most cases are not aware at all about sleeping. So it's more applicable to students. Study, mobile phone, laptop, chat, and sleep is the time to do these things?

Thus, we should neglect to sleep, but what's going on? Not at all. Lack of sleep leads to many health problems. Study right to continue to keep the market for skills in the workplace is very important, even just to stay healthy sleep. Let's have a look at the rules of good sleep 6.

1) evening, tea or caffeine not allow:

Caffeine is the practice of people working crazy hours to work on trust. It is not unusual to drink the coffee to the middle of the night. But note, the effects of caffeine can have up to 14 hours. Therefore, any kind of caffeine in the afternoon, do not drink. Not just coffee, dark tea, soft drinks and energy drinkaguloo Avoid the afternoon.

2) Up late at night wish strangled:

To be read at night, to finish assignments, who would report to the head cintatake jhemtiye to send. Whether the work as required, more important than sleep. Lack of sleep can make you make a mistake in deciding trends, sadness, anxiety and forgetfulness.

3) Regular exercise is important:

Just for the sake of getting the body to lose weight, exercise is not necessary or interesting. But behind the role of sleep. But it will not get to exercise every day for at least 3-4 times a week exercise. It was a good night's sleep as well as you will be fully awake during the day. There are many benefits of regular exercise, and that it is needless to say.

4) Sleeping routine:

One day he went to bed at 10pm sound like a boy, by the end of the next working day, two night sleep. Next day to see a movie with friends and went to bed at five o'clock. It would be better if you sleep? Keep a fixed sleep routine. Every day between 11 am and go to bed, as this practice. When the body becomes accustomed to it, at the same time every day to sleep, go to sleep will not be a problem.

5) To relax the body on:

Give yourself some time to relax. It is the half-hour meditation or yoga, reading a book or listening to music that none of the light can come on your head. If you want to shake off the stress of the day, the body will be easier to come up.

6) During the day, sleep a little bad:

Many folks will make up for the lack of sleep the night to sleep during the day. But the more sleep during the day, will be more difficult to come to sleep at night. As a result, day after day, you spend sleepless nights. During the day you can sleep very little, half an hour. And this is the point exactly can not sleep at noon. In the afternoon, if you want to sleep, go to sleep at night may be the problem.

In addition, the following tips can help you to sleep, they are:

- Lavender or light sleep you bring any perfume sprays or senteda   Candle;
- You can also use sound to get rid of iyaraplaga;
- At least 7 hours of sleep, go to bed;
- 20 minutes after sleep can not sleep until sleep came and got   another job.

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