Friday, June 24, 2016

Britain leaving the European Union of 8 reasons

Voted in favor of Britain leaving the European Union. Who is campaigning for the release of the attacks 'live' camp on behalf of the people pulled them any reason? News: BBC Babgla

1. Reverse the negative economic impact of breksitera

Britain out of the EU phase of the campaign that people will become more and more poor people constantly heard the warning, but in the end it is the people who do not believe or think that they are ready to take the risk.

The world's major financial institutions, the IMF, the OECD, the top British business organization, the CBI, the Bank of England has warned of the leading experts in the EU will be in jeopardy leave growth, unemployment will rise, not fall in the pound, the recession impossible to sink vanished, the red light turns business, tax increase, health, education, defense budget will be reduced. Even President Barack Obama joined the humsiyarite vocals. "Rimeina 'camp, some say, the negative campaign' 'a little excessive' 'he said. People did not believe them, or the identity of their rebellion against the regime.

2. £350 million commitment to health sector

"The slogan of the EU live kyampena leave £ 350 million a week to live-meaning, they are now to iiuke this money will be allocated to the health-care sector. No such slogans of all ages, of all political ideologies and the people who pulled the bus campaign slogan has inspired voters greatly out of the EU. "Rimeina camp has tried repeatedly to say, based on the data bus mis- taken away to be false. That hayaini, contrary to the propaganda of all the statistics of the 350 million people in mind.

3. Was the most important issue in deciding

Nigel Faraj leader of the opposition party, known as the EU's anti-immigration comments iukipa this campaign, "Live for camps became trump card.
National and cultural identity and heritage, especially in the low-income people has been affected greatly. In Britain, the concern about the large numbers of immigrants in the last 10 years, social life and their influence can not be controlled in the next twenty years will be the key highlights of these campaigns successful 'leave camp. As a result of a strong public opinion against the EU, they have succeeded to build. Picture campaign against immigration has been used hard language, and despite the criticism of the EU, leaving voters to make a choice about the campaign has helped.

4. That is why the Prime Minister's speech

David Cameron has won two terms as prime minister, he got a victory to win the referendum. But this time luck was against him. "Rimeina camps in the lead and run the show, he had bet his political future and personal honor. With the EU about fundamental changes in the UK for nine months and that he lobbied in vain that the shipment had rejected the anti-EU members of his team. Why is Britain's future in the European Union for the benefit, the electoral campaign he repeatedly took up strongly in indefinite suffering, they decided not to act until the end of the Prime Minister's words.

5. The Labour Party has failed to inspire voters
"Rimeina camps involved in the campaign was essential to win their next Labour supporters found. Labour supporters, 90 percent were in favor of having the EU. But the initiative has not been seen much in the campaign. Gordon Brown, Sadiq Khan, Alan Johnson, Britain's top labor leaders argued in favor of the EU highlights some of the campaign's supporters during the Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbin was enough to inject some quarters that the complaint has been taken.

6. Boris Johnson campaign and personalities like Michael Gabhera

Some Conservative cabinet minister breksit for the EU to emerge from all knew it, but two of the team leader, a former London Mayor Boris Johnson and Minister of Justice Michael Gov joining the camp breksit 'Live Campaign "got a new dimension.
Michael was the attraction of the Government to the people as a wise and experienced politician, he was a star politician Boris Johnson.

7. More older people have voted

Experts say older people vote 'to leave namesake value that was victorious in the south, south-west, north-east England and the Midlands.So voting trend is more common in older people, but the referendum has been more than 55 years older than the number of supporters breksit. 3 to 5 people plus 65 percent of voters said they opposed the EU.

8. Britain was always foreign to the people of Europe UK's relationship with Europe was not so easy. Britain took many years to join the European community. The referendum was in 1975, when it was supported by the people and only the economic profit with little protest.

The European Union is in favor of having the young generation, but until the full vote results would be analyzed what percentage can not be understood as the percentage of young adults and how many voted for or against.

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