Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The child will be born by the machine!

Motherboard news agency said the body of the artificial human baby born out of the process of study, researchers have found great success. In the process, the baby will be born into a tube like a mother's womb.

Researchers claim, " telekinesis named this method will be usable by the year 2034. Since then the machine will be born baby. As a result, infant mortality and maternal mortality during child birth, as well as many parts can be reduced.

The researchers say more, now the mother of a child surrogate process was not an assistant or rent a womb that gives birth to a child is born. However, this new process will not need to hire the womb.

How the baby will be born and grow up in a device?

The researchers developed the structure of the show refers to the question, will be exhibited in a special tube baby embryos. Gradually, the child will grow like a mother's womb. The machine is filled with fluid and with a variety of cable and can be connected to all modern devices.

There will be food for the baby in the middle of the chamber, breathing separate machine to run. The instruments used until now, but now the growth of bacteria, and a variety of animals will be used for the people.

Meanwhile, the invention of the whole world in a conspiracy to make false claims, many people are doing it. Human rights groups say, the people will lose the relationship between mother and child after birth machines, will attract children to the family. Human love will be lost.

The researchers say that this study is now trying to do so, the machine can be born, but it is still not possible in practice because some of the legal and ethical barriers.

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