Sunday, July 17, 2016

Eating too much red meat, kidneys could be useless!

Do you love to eat too much beef or red meat? Then you eat the flesh of the case will be a little careful.

According to new research, added: "Red meat, kidney failure could be playing! However, the risk is much lower in case of vegetable protein or plant protein.

Currently, chronic kidney disease or sikedi-stage renal disease or ECRD and find the cause of the increasing incidence of 63 of the 57 people on the adult survey for 15 years,
Singapore's Duke-enaiuesa Medical School researchers. 97 per cent of the country's population eat Pork or red meat.

Koh, the chief researcher of the survey, said, who eat large amounts of red meat to their risk of chronic kidney disease, 40 percent more than the others.

On the other hand, lowering the risks of eating red meat can be reduced to around 6 per cent.

The deficit in protein you can eat eggs, dairy products, soya foods or cereal.

The research results have been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Source: Ananda Bazar.

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