Sunday, July 17, 2016

The bacteria enter your body, dead is to guaranteed!

Body 'barkholaderiya siudomalli' called the death a few hours later to make sure the bacteria entered your body! 

This is such a dangerous bacteria. Meanwhile, Australia and Southeast Asia more than 90 thousand people died in the attack on the bacteria.

That study, said the researchers at the University of Griffith and bonds.

Through the nose into the brain and spine of this bacteria is useless. After 4 hours, the man succumbed to his reading.

Scary thing is, these bacteria survive fierce winds. And when it's time your heart will break into your body through the nose, but you will not be aware of.

After the bacteria to enter the body starts with a fever, cough, shortness of breath. Then, slowly, it is useless nurves.

This is the only way to get rid of the dangerous bacteria, the researchers say, the mask for now, stay later. Avoid filling space junk. 

Source: Zee News.

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